Why Choose NPR

Sympathetic Design

above and beyond builder choose tiles coloursNPR is expert in carrying out heritage home renovations and restorations carefully. Carrying out essential structural work while embracing the detail and design of an older building. NPR uses considered methods to sympathetically merge the historic with the modern.

Restoration planning and design to adapt and upgrade heritage homes bringing in modern and contemporary finishes while maintaing the treasured architectural character of a period building in tact

NPR building concepts melbourne trans logo

REGISTRATIONS: CDBU - 60032 | CCB - 54083 | DB - U12713 | CB - L17476

With over 25 years of experience in residential and commercial construction NPR Building Concepts is eager to design unique and extra-ordinary custom buildings tailored to clients’ needs.

Others build, we create.



Unit 19, 97-107 Canterbury Rd,
      Kilsyth, Victoria 3137

03 9761 9270
